Rainer Albertz

Die Josephsgeschichte im Pentateuch

Ein Beitrag zur Überwindung einer anhaltenden Forschungskontroverse
[The Joseph Story in the Pentateuch. A Contribution to Overcoming an Ongoing Research Controversy.]
2021. XII, 178 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-160100-2
Published in German.
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  • 978-3-16-160100-2
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Rainer Albertz subjects the composition and redaction history of the story of Joseph (Gen 37-50) to a consistent examination. The aim is to determine the subject matter and the dating of the story more precisely and methodically than has controversially been done so far. At the same time, this opens up new insights into the history of the Pentateuch.

Forschungen zum Alten Testament (FAT)