Reinhard Achenbach

Die Komposition der Tora im Buch Exodus

[The Composition of the Torah in the Book of Exodus.]
2024. IX, 430 pages.
Published in German.
  • cloth
  • available
  • 978-3-16-163438-3
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In this book, Reinhard Achenbach presents a commentary on the Book of Exodus with a redaction-critical focus on the stages of its composition. Each chapter is analyzed with respect to its pre-exilic and exilic sources (the Moses-Exodus narrative, the mountain of God narrative, the Covenant Code, the Deuteronomy-Horeb narrative, the Priestly Code) and their composition against the backdrop of the Hexateuch, Pentateuch and priestly scribal reworking from the late Persian period (theocratic reworking).

Forschungen zum Alten Testament (FAT)