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Torben Ellerbrok

Die öffentlich-rechtliche Satzung

Dogmatische und theoretische Grundlagen einer Handlungsform der Verwaltung
[The Statutes of the Public Service Realm. The Dogmatic and Theoretical Foundations of an Administrative Tool.]
2020. XXVII, 503 pages.
Published in German.
  • cloth
  • available
  • 978-3-16-158325-4
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The »Satzung« is a German by-law used by the likes of local authorities, universities and professional self-governing bodies. This study discusses this long standing legal tool and, along with its dogmatic and historical principles, deals with administrative procedures, judicial review and limitations caused by constitutional law. Comparisons to similar types of by-laws in the EU and its member states are also drawn.

Beiträge zum Verwaltungsrecht (BVwR)