Matina Jozi

Die Pflicht zur Sperrung des Luftraums über Konfliktzonen

Eine Untersuchung der souveränen Verantwortlichkeit anlässlich des Abschusses von Flug MH17 über der Ostukraine
[The Obligation to Close Airspace over Conflict Zones. A Study of Sovereignty as a Responsibility Following the Downing of Flight MH17 over Eastern Ukraine.]
2023. XXI, 288 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-161932-8
Published in German.
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  • 978-3-16-161932-8
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The downing of flight MH17 in 2014 raised the question of whether states are obligated to close their airspace above conflict zones. Relying on the concept of sovereignty as a responsibility, Matina Jozi demonstrates that the obligation to close the airspace can be deduced from public international law and applies her results to the specific case of eastern Ukraine.

Jus Internationale et Europaeum (JusIntEu)