Jennifer Fechter

Die rechtliche Bewertung von Stromgebotszonen

Am Beispiel der deutsch-österreichischen Gebotszone unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der CACM-Leitlinie
[The Legal Evaluation of Bidding Zones. Using the Example of the German-Austrian Bidding Zone with Particular Emphasis on the CACM Guideline.]
2019. XX, 249 pages.
Published in German.
  • sewn paper
  • available
  • 978-3-16-157040-7
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For more than twenty years there have been efforts made to create a European Internal Energy Market. The reasons for the failure to do so up to now include existing structural constraint in the European transmission network as well as bidding zones which no longer correspond to the current market situation. Jennifer Fechter does a detailed study of these aspects.

Schriften zum Infrastrukturrecht (InfraSR)