Thossaporn Saensawatt

Die verfassungsrechtlichen Grundentscheidungen des Grundgesetzes

Eine verfassungsrechtstheoretische und -dogmatische Untersuchung, insbesondere zum Verhältnis der verfassungsrechtlichen Grundentscheidungen zueinander
[The Fundamental Constitutional Principles of the Basic Law. A Study from the Perspective of Constitutional Theory and Constitutional Dogmatics Focusing on the Relationship between the Fundamental Constitutional Principles.]
2022. XVI, 464 pages.
Published in German.
  • cloth
  • available
  • 978-3-16-161114-8
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The author analyzes the relationship between the fundamental constitutional principles of the German Basic Law. For this purpose, each fundamental principle is correlated systematically with every other fundamental principle. This, in turn, facilitates conclusions regarding the relationship of the constitutional specifications of these fundamental principles.

Studien und Beiträge zum Öffentlichen Recht (StudÖR)