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Pirmin Emanuel Schreiner
Die Vermessung des Mietrechts
Über die Methode quantitativer Rechtsvergleichung am Beispiel des Wohnraummietrechts in Deutschland, England und Frankreich
[Mapping Out Residential Tenancy Law. On the Methods of Quantitative Comparative Law, with Germany, England and France as Examples.]
2021. XXIV, 379 pages. Published in German.
A computer simulation of a fictitious city sets the scene for Pirmin Emmanuel Schreiner's comparative study of residential tenancy law in Germany, England and France. Joining the recent discourse on so-called quantitative comparative law, the author begins by discussing its use for legal unification, legal arbitrage, its econometric use for policy analysis, and its methodological foundations, especially with regard to the problem of weighting different parameters. He then applies these insights by comparing the scope of residential tenancy law, rent regulation (in particular, the »rent brakes« capping system) and protection against eviction in the three countries. Translated to algorithms, his findings form the basis of the simulation.