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Jan Christopher Kalbhenn
Digitalisierung lokaler Medien
Genese und Zukunft des nordrhein-westfälischen Zwei-Säulen-Modells im lokalen Rundfunk
[The Digitalization of Local Media. Origin and Future of the North Rhine-Westphalian Two-Pillar Model in Local Radio.]
2024. XXIII, 312 pages. Published in German.
Large online platforms and social networks threaten local media diversity. In North Rhine-Westphalia, the globally unique two-pillar model ensures that every town has its own local radio station. But can this model survive in the digital age or is a change of system necessary? From a constitutional and broadcasting law perspective, the author discusses the benefits and disadvantages of state funding, stricter requirements for digital media platforms and an expansion of the mandate for public broadcasting in the local area.