Angelika Berlejung

Divine Secrets and Human Imaginations

Studies on the History of Religion and Anthropology of the Ancient Near East and the Old Testament
[Göttliche Geheimnisse und menschliche Imaginationen. Studien zur Religionsgeschichte und Anthropologie des Alten Orients und des Alten Testaments.]
2021. XVI, 678 pages.
  • cloth
  • available
  • 978-3-16-160034-0
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In this volume of collected essays, Angelika Berlejung examines two main themes: Divine Secrets and Human Imaginations. The essays deal with topics such as idols and divine presence theology in Ancient Mesopotamia, several aspects of human imaginations, constructed memories and the human condition. Written over the last two decades, the essays have all been revised, updated, and supplemented with unpublished material.

»Berlejung’s book is a gift to biblical scholarship, particularly to those of us outside the circle of continental scholarship. Its blend of deep erudition and broad intellectual horizons is simply inspiring, providing a feast for the scholarly imagination.«
Ronald Hendel in RBL 06/2022

Orientalische Religionen in der Antike (ORA)