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Merve Ürem Çetinel
Eigentumsvorbehalt und andere Mobiliarsicherheiten
Eine vergleichende Untersuchung des türkischen, schweizerischen und deutschen Rechts unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Rechtsverkehrs zwischen Deutschland und der Türkei
[Retention of Title and Other Chattels Securities. A Comparative Study of Turkish, Swiss and German Law with Particular Attention to Legal Relations between Germany and Turkey.]
2018. XV, 275 pages. Published in German.
By virtue of the growing bilateral trade between Germany and Turkey, the protection of sellers delivering goods abroad has become increasingly important, particularly in cases of hire purchase. A significant tool to guarantee payment of price and retention of title is the conditional sales agreement. This study examines the agreement operating between Germany and Turkey, compares it with Swiss Law, and analyses whether parties are adequately protected provided by German and Turkish provisions as well as high court decisions.