Malte Wundenberg

Europäisches Bankenaufsichtsrecht

Grundlagen des Single Rulebooks für Kreditinstitute in Europa
[European Banking Supervision Law. The Basic Principles of the Single Rulebook.]
2022. XXXIV, 391 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-160812-4
Published in German.
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  • 978-3-16-160812-4
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As a regulatory response to the financial crisis, the European lawmaker is working to harmonise the legal framework for banks and other financial service providers in the unified form of the Single Rulebook. Malte Wundenberg's textbook analyses the main principles of European banking regulation in a comprehensible manner, and also covers the recent reforms of the regulatory regime (including the Capital Requirements Directive V and the Capital Requirements Regulation II) as well as its implementation in Germany.