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Lena Hornkohl
Geschäftsgeheimnisschutz im Kartellschadensersatzprozess
Die Offenlegung von Beweismitteln und der Schutz von Geschäftsgeheimnissen im Kartellschadensersatzrecht nach Umsetzung der Kartellschadensersatzrichtlinie
[Trade Secret Protection in Cartel Damages Litigation. Disclosing Evidence and Protecting Trade Secrets in Antitrust Damages Law following the Cartel Damages Directive.]
2021. XXVIII, 348 pages. Published in German.
Lena Hornkohl analyses the tension between information asymmetry and the protection of business secrets and confidential information in private enforcement of competition law. She examines the concepts proposed by the Cartel Damages Directive (Directive 2014/104/EU) and its German implementation and suggests a new system for the protection of confidential information during disclosure.