Isabelle Neise

Implikationen der konkreten Verhältnismäßigkeitsprüfung

Eine Untersuchung der Rechtsprechung der Cour de cassation und des Conseil d'Etat mit vergleichenden Bezügen zu der Verhältnismäßigkeitsprüfung gebundener Verwaltungsentscheidungen
[Implications of the Concrete Review of Proportionality. A Study of the Case Law of the Cour de Cassation and the Conseil d'Etat with Comparative References to the Review of Proportionality of Binding Administrative Decisions.]
2025. XVII, 236 pages.
forthcoming in March 2025
Published in German.
  • sewn paper
  • forthcoming
  • 978-3-16-163856-5
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Since its decision in 2013, the French Cour de cassation has been reviewing the specific proportionality of the application of statutes in individual cases. What is common practice in the German courts has caused a lively debate in French doctrine that continues to this day. This work traces these different developments and elaborates on explanatory approaches.

Verfassungsentwicklung in Europa (VEEu)