Reinhard Gregor Kratz
Geboren 1957; Studium der Gräzistik und Ev. Theologie in Frankfurt a.M., Heidelberg und Zürich; Promotion und Habilitation in Zürich; Professor für Altes Testament in Göttingen. Eibert Tigchelaaar
is research professor of Biblical Studies at the KU Leuven. His main field of research is the Dead Sea Scrolls.
Noam Mizrahi
is an associate professor at the Department of Biblical Studies, Tel Aviv University. His main field of research is Hebrew philology, with special attention to the interaction between historical-linguistic study of Biblical and Qumran Hebrew, textual criticism of the Hebrew Bible, and the compositional history of biblical and Second Temple literature.
Jonathan Ben-Dov
Born 1971; has been a research fellow at New York University (ISAW), The University of Durham, and the Israel Institute for Advanced Studies (Jerusalem); currently associate professor at the department of Bible, Tel Aviv University.
Charlotte Hempel
Born 1966; 1991 BA; 1995 PhD; 1995-99 Post-Doctoral Research Fellowships at the Universities of Birmingham and Cambridge; 1999-2004 Maternity Career Break; 2005 Research Fellow, 2008 Senior Research Fellow, 2010 Senior Lecturer, 2013 Reader and since 2016 Professor of Hebrew Bible and Second Temple Judaism at the University of Birmingham, UK. Vered Noam
is the chair of Chaim Rosenberg School of Jewish Studies and Archaeology, and teaches Talmud and Second Temple Jewish Literature at the Department of Jewish Philosophy and Talmud, Tel Aviv University. Her main fields of research are Rabbinic Literature, Second Temple Literature and Early Halakhah.
John J. Collins
Born 1946; 1972 PhD; 1985-91 Professor at the University of Notre Dame; 1991-2000 Professor at the University of Chicago; since 2000 Holmes Professor of Old Testament in Yale.
Lutz Doering
Born 1966; 1998 Dr. theol.; 2013 habil.; 2004-09 Lecturer in New Testament, King's College London; 2009-14 Reader in New Testament and Ancient Judaism, Durham University; Professor of New Testament and Ancient Judaism and Director of the Institutum Judaicum Delitzschianum at the University of Münster, Germany. Jörg Frey
Born 1962; 1996 Dr. theol.; 1998 habil.; 2024 Dr. h. c.; Professor of New Testament in the Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies at the University of Zurich, Switzerland. Reviews
The following reviews are known:
In: Dead Sea Discoveries—31 (2024), pp. 244-246
(Gareth J. Wearne)
In: Journal of Evangelical Theological Society (JETS)—65 (2022), pp. 369-373
(Eckhard J. Schnabel)
In: Journal of Jewish Studies—73 (2022), pp. 192-196
(Siam Bhayro)
In: —66 (2022), p. 160
(New Testament Abstracts)
In: Old Testament Abstracts—44 (2021), p. 985
(Christopher T. Begg)
In: Religious Studies Review—48 (2022), p. 277
(Jason Maston)
In: Revue de l'histoire et de Philosophie Réligieuses—101 (2021), pp. 541-543
(Christian Grappe)
In: The Catholic Biblical Quarterly (CBQ)—84 (2022), pp. 157-159
(Albert Hogeterp)
In: The Qumran Chronicle—30 (2022), pp. 284-289 + 31 (2023), pp. 204-208
(Michael Klukowski + Phillip R. Callaway)