Andrea Issad

Islamisch inspirierte Testamente

Ein Beitrag zur Inhaltskontrolle von Verfügungen von Todes wegen
[Wills Based on Islam. Freedom of Testation: A Contribution.]
2019. XV, 140 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-155801-6
Published in German.
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  • 978-3-16-155801-6
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How should German civil law deal with a will written by a Muslim testator which follows the traditional sharia law of inheritance? Andrea Issad's study examines the scope of testation and its limits under German law, contributing both to current discussions on the treatment of Islam and Muslims in Germany as well as personal autonomy in cases of death and the balance of freedom and equality in private law generally.

Studien zum ausländischen und internationalen Privatrecht (StudIPR)