Jahrbuch für Erbrecht und Schenkungsrecht

Band 12
Edited by Karlheinz Muscheler
[Hereditare - Yearbook for Inheritance and Gifts Law. Volume 12.]
2023. V, 249 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-162149-9
Published in German.
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  • 978-3-16-162149-9
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It is the goal of the »Hereditare Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Erbrecht e.V.« association to pursue scholarly studies of inheritance law and the pre-death succession of property. One of its main concerns is to promote the connection between scholarship and practice, which is why the journal accepts papers dealing with theoretical or practical issues. Among other things, the yearbook contains the lectures held at the annual »Bochum Symposium for Inheritance Law.«

Hereditare - Jahrbuch für Erbrecht und Schenkungsrecht (Hereditare)