Eric John Wyckoff

John 4:1-42 among the Biblical Well Encounters

Pentateuchal and Johannine Narrative Reconsidered
[Johannes 4,1-42 unter den biblischen Begegnungen am Brunnen. Pentateuchische und johanneische Erzählungen neu überdacht.]
2020. XX, 327 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-159615-5
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  • 978-3-16-159615-5
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In this volume, Eric John Wyckoff examines four biblical texts which narrate encounters between a woman and a man at a well. The episodes in Genesis 24 and 29, Exodus 2 and John 4 share similar literary features, but the contrasts are revealing. Their complex interrelation represents an interpretive key.

»In summary, it may be said that important research perspectives are presented here, which have significance not only for the pericope under discussion. Wyckoff has presented a work that stands out from the mass of New Testament publications.«
Hans Förster in Studien zum NT und seiner Umwelt — Seria A, 46 (2021), pp. 245–248

Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 2. Reihe (WUNT II)