Werner Eck

Judäa - Syria Palästina

Die Auseinandersetzung einer Provinz mit römischer Politik und Kultur
[Judaea - Syria Palestine. A Province's Contention with Roman Politics and Culture.]
2014. XIV, 307 pages.
Published in German.
  • cloth
  • available
  • 978-3-16-153026-5
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Many aspects of the history of a province are missing in the literary records. In the past decades, numerous epigraphical, papyrological, numismatic and archeological sources have become accessible for the province of Judea. The essays in Werner Eck's volume show the new perspective on Roman rule in Judaea enabled by Latin and Greek inscriptions in particular and also the disastrous consequences of the Bar Kokhba revolt for the country.

Texts and Studies in Ancient Judaism (TSAJ)