Paul Michael Kurtz

Kaiser, Christ, and Canaan

The Religion of Israel in Protestant Germany, 1871-1918
[Kaiser, Christus und Kanaan. Die Religion Israels im protestantischen Deutschland, 1871-1918.]
2018. XIV, 370 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-155497-1
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  • 978-3-16-155497-1
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What did biblical scholars, theologians, orientalists, philologists, and ancient historians of the 19th century consider »religion« and »history« to be? How did they understand these conceptual categories, and why did they study them in the manner they did? Analyzing the figures of Julius Wellhausen and Hermann Gunkel, Paul Michael Kurtz examines the historiography of ancient Israel in the German Empire through the prism of religion, as a structuring framework not only for writings on the past but also for the writers of that past themselves.

Forschungen zum Alten Testament (FAT)