Alix Giraud-Willer

Kritik starrer Mindeststrafen

Ein Beitrag zur Lockerung absoluter und starrer (Mindest-)Strafdrohungen im Lichte der deutsch-französischen Rechtsentwicklung
[A Critique of Mandatory Sentencing. A Contribution to the Discussion on the Relaxation of Inflexible Criminal Sanctions with a Focus on Developments in German and French Law.]
2021. XVII, 172 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-160244-3
Published in German.
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  • 978-3-16-160244-3
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Is mandatory sentencing in criminal law justified? By examining the relevant laws in Germany and France, Alix Giraud-Willer offers an explanation for a number of issues in criminal sentencing and provides food for thought for the debate on reforms.

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