Max Weber

Max Weber-Gesamtausgabe

Band I/11: Zur Psychophysik der industriellen Arbeit. Schriften und Reden 1908-1912
Edited by Wolfgang Schluchter
[Max Weber. On the Psychophysics of Industrial Work. Writings and Speeches 1908-1912. Edited by Wolfgang Schluchter with the assistance of Sabine Frommer.]
1995. XII, 470 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-158125-0
Published in German.
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The title of this volume originated in a series of articles published in 1908/1909 as On the Psychophysics of Industrial Work. This text, in wich Max Weber explores questions of natural science and ergonmics from a sociological point of view, forms the central part of further from a sociological point of view, forms the central part of further works which revolved around the inquiry made by the Society for Social Policy in 1908, Survey concerning Selection and Adaption (Choice and Course of Occupation) for the Workers of Major Industrial Enterprises and which dealt with the methods of such inquiries. Max Weber tested and proved his concepts and research strategies in real life.
»[…] the Max Weber Gesamtausgabe has again proven its invaluable significance as a treasure for serios Weberian scholars and for others interested in the intellectual history of Germany.«
Gianfranco Poggi in Journal of Sociology (1992), p. 690-692