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Jürgen Basedow

Mehr Freiheit wagen

Über Deregulierung und Wettbewerb
[A Dare of More Freedom. Deregulation and Competition. By Jürgen Basedow.]
2002. IX, 473 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-164450-4
Published in German.
  • eBook PDF
  • Open Access
  • 978-3-16-164450-4
As a former member of the Deregulation Commission (1988-1991) and a present member of the German Monopolies Commission, Jürgen Basedow has published numerous small papers on economic deregulation, and they have been collected in this volume. They focus on the impact that European Community law has on the regulatory structures of markets such as transport, insurance, legal services etc., on the relationship between deregulation and harmonization and on the role of competition law in deregulated markets.