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Rudolf Richter, Eirik G. Furubotn

Neue Institutionenökonomik

Eine Einführung und kritische Würdigung
Translated by Monika Streissler
[New Institutional Economics. An Introduction and Critical Appreciation. 4th revised edition.]
4th, revised and extended edition; 2010. XXIII, 678 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-151318-3
Published in German.
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  • 978-3-16-151318-3
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Apart from the customary update of the literature and the addition of »New Institutional Economics of Finance,« the fourth edition also provides an important clarification: The new institutional economics is fundamentally different from a microeconomics supplemented by transaction costs.

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Neue ökonomische Grundrisse (NöG)