Philipp Georg Overkamp

Ökonomische Instrumente und Ordnungsrecht

Verfassungsfragen angesichts des Ausstiegs aus der Kohleverstromung
[Economic Instruments and Regulatory Law. Constitutional Questions in the Phasing Out of Coal-Based Power Generation.]
2020. XXIV, 355 pages.
Published in German.
  • sewn paper
  • available
  • 978-3-16-159164-8
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The imminent phasing out of coal-fired energy production can be achieved or accompanied by various legislative tools. Philipp Georg Overkamp views the legal framework of the plans and investigates the extent to which the standards for legal intervention can be applied to economic control.

Energierecht - Beiträge zum deutschen, europäischen und internationalen Energierecht (EnergieR)