Parabiblica Aethiopica

Editiones et Studia
Edited by Jan Dochhorn
[Parabiblica Aethiopica. Editiones et Studia.]
2025. IX, 211 pages.
Published in German.
  • cloth
  • available
  • 978-3-16-164189-3
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This volume deals with Ethiopian apocryphal/parabiblical literature. It consists of three editions and two studies. The edited texts are the Ethiopian version of the Historia de Melchisedech (ed. Jan Dochhorn), the Ethiopian version of the Revelatio Stephani (ed. Damien Labadie), and an Apocryphon about the binding of Isaac (ed. Ted Erho). The studies are devoted to the Ethiopian version of the Apocalypse of Peter (Mathew Goff) and the Andǝmta Tradition to 1 Enoch (Ralph Lee).

Parabiblica (PBib)