Populismus und alternative Fakten

(Straf-)Rechtswissenschaft in der Krise? Abschiedskolloquium für Walter Gropp
Edited by Arndt Sinn, Pierre Hauck, Michael Nagel and Liane Wörner
[Populism and Alternative Facts - (Criminal) Law in Crisis? A Farewell Compendium for Walter Gropp.]
2020. VIII, 384 pages.
Published in German.
  • cloth
  • available
  • 978-3-16-156065-1
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Has criminal law, against the backdrop of tumultuous (geo-) political, economic, and social relationships and their associated technical challenges, been brought to the point of crisis? The contributions in this volume honour the academic legacy of Walter Gropp by tackling the burning issues that criminal law is facing everywhere today.