Julian Eibl

Privatheit durch Bargeld?

Zu den Grenzen hoheitlicher Bargeldbeschränkungen aus dem grundrechtlichen Schutz von Privatheit
[Privacy through Cash? On the Limits of Sovereign Cash Restrictions Arising from Fundamental Privacy Protection Rights.]
2020. XXXI, 546 pages.
Published in German.
  • cloth
  • available
  • 978-3-16-159767-1
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Payment data allows broad conclusions to be drawn about the payer. At the same time, restrictions on the use of cash favor a shift towards cashless payment methods which involve disclosing such data. On this basis, Julian Eibl shows that privacy as guaranteed in German and European fundamental rights precludes a complete elimination of cash. The author concludes his analysis by discussing the legal scope for less intrusive restrictions.

Internet und Gesellschaft (IuG)