Produktive Unproduktivität

Zum Verhältnis von Arbeit und Muße
Edited by Inga Wilke, Gregor Dobler, Markus Tauschek and Michael Vollstädt
[Productive Unproductiveness. On the Relationship between Work and Otium.]
2021. VI, 314 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-159685-8
Published in German.
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Otium and work stand in complex relation to one another. Otium - defined as time that can be spent productively because it is exempt from norms of economic productivity - is frequently portrayed as the opposite of work. While otium is based on temporary freedom from constraints, work is full of constraints and alienating experiences. At a second glance, however, the boundaries between work and otium blur. Sometimes they do indeed stand opposed to each other; at other times, otium is to be found in work. Coming from a wide array of disciplines and taking their impulses from different empirical cases, the contributions in this volume analyse when, how, and why otium and work go hand in hand or become opponents.

Otium (Otium)