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Alida C. Euler

Psalmenrezeption in der Passionsgeschichte des Matthäusevangeliums

Eine intertextuelle Studie zur Verwendung, theologischen Relevanz und strukturgebenden Funktion der Psalmen in Mt 26-27 im Lichte frühjüdischer Psalmenrekurse
[The Reception of Psalms in the Passion Narrative of Matthew's Gospel. An Intertextual Study on the Use, Theological Relevance, and Structuring Function of the Psalms in Mt. 26−27 in Light of Early Jewish Psalm Recourses.]
2022. XIX, 600 pages.
Published in German.
  • sewn paper
  • available
  • 978-3-16-161310-4
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In his passion narrative, Matthew draws on Psalms while presenting the events situated in Gethsemani, before the high council and Pilate, and during the crucifixion. Alida C. Euler carves out these heterogeneous references, charts them within the reception of Psalms within Matthew's Gospel as a whole and contextualizes them as part of the Early Jewish reception of Psalms.

Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 2. Reihe (WUNT II)