Holger Michael Zellentin
Born 1976; 2007 PhD Princeton University; has taught at Rutgers University, the Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, and at the University of California, Berkeley; teaches Jewish Studies at the University of Nottingham; 2012 Early Career Fellowship of the Arts and Humanities Research Council (UK).
The following reviews are known:
In: Association Jewish Libraries Newsletter—2011, No. 3, S. 30
(Jim Rosenbloom)
In: Frankfurter Judaistische Beiträge—39 (2014), S. 121-122
(Anette Adelmann)
In: Journal for the Study of Judaism—43 (2012), S. 444
(Jordan D. Rosenblum)
In: Journal of Jewish Studies—64 (2013), S. 207-209
(Laliv Clenman)
In: —55 (2011), S. 621
(New Testament Abstracts)
In: Salesianum—74 (2012), S. 391-392
(Rafael Vicent)
In: Studies in Christian Jewish Relations (SCJR)—9 (2014);
(Loren R. Spielman)
In: Theologische Literaturzeitung—137 (2012), S. 32-33
(Catherine Hezser)