Urs Albrecht Klein

Rechtsrealismus und Digitalwirtschaft

Einfluss amerikanischer Rechtstheorie auf Rechtsverständnis und Praxis
[Legal Realism and the Digital Economy. The Influence of American Jurisprudence on Legal Understanding and Practice.]
2020. XVI, 320 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-159744-2
Published in German.
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  • 978-3-16-159744-2
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Many tech companies employ business models that seem at odds with German law. Yet this has not impaired their success. In shaping today's digital economy, differences in legal thought have played a crucial role. Urs Albrecht Klein investigates how legal realism has come to define American jurisprudence and the far-reaching effects this has had on everyday life in Germany.

Internet und Gesellschaft (IuG)