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Kathrin Strauß


Der Produktionsprozess von Normen und Institutionen des Rechts unter Einbeziehung geistesphilosophischer, handlungstheoretischer und sozialontologischer Erkenntnisse
[Becoming Law. The Production of Norms and Institutions of Law under consideration of Philosophy of Mind, Speech Act Theory, Social Ontology and Action Theory.]
2024. XIV, 275 pages.
Published in German.
  • sewn paper
  • available
  • 978-3-16-162529-9
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Drawing on theoretical elements of linguistic philosophy, the philosophy of mind, action theory, and social ontology, Kathrin Strauß describes how making the law is not only shaped by the procedural and organisational norms of law, but also by the workings of the human mind, which enter the legal act via the speech act.

Rechtstheorie - Legal Theory (RTh)