Ingo Klitzsch

Redaktion und Memoria

Die Lutherbilder der »Tischreden«
[Redaction and Memoria. The Table Talk Images of Luther.]
2020. XII, 635 pages.
Published in German.
  • cloth
  • available
  • 978-3-16-159037-5
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Research on Martin Luther's »Tischreden« has to clarify how to categorise and methodically deal with these collections of his conversations, dinner discourses, letter excerpts, and other miscellaneous texts. By linking the approaches of cultural-historical commemorative research to insights from the fields of exegesis and literary studies, Ingo Klitzsch offers vital answers. The exemplary analyses reveal that the oft-quoted source material actually says much more about the deliverer than about Luther himself.

Spätmittelalter, Humanismus, Reformation / Studies in the Late Middle Ages, Humanism, and the Reformation (SMHR)