Johanna Hochloff

Regeln, Institutionen und Ordnungen

Die kulturelle Ökonomik von Friedrich A. von Hayek und Douglass C. North
[Rules, Institutions, and Orders. The Cultural Economics of Friedrich A. von Hayek and Douglass C. North.]
2019. IX, 338 pages.
Published in German.
  • hardcover
  • available
  • 978-3-16-156864-0
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The Nobel Prize laureates Douglass C. North and Friedrich A. von Hayek are key figures in institutional economics. North developed the »Theory of Institutional Change« and Hayek the »Theory of Cultural Evolution«, which both provide a profound explanation of the functioning und development of rules, institutions, and orders, while emphasizing the role of culture and cultural heritage. The success of economic reforms is related in no small measure to their findings.

Die Einheit der Gesellschaftswissenschaften im 21. Jahrhundert (EdG21)