Regelsetzung im Privatrecht

Edited by Florian Möslein
[Regulation and Private Law.]
2019. XV, 471 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-156196-2
Published in German.
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In times of Europeanisation and globalization, private law is subject to fundamental changes. Legal relationships between private individuals are increasingly of a transnational nature. They are also based on different forms of statehood. Private law scholarship should therefore not be limited to the analysis of existing law, but needs to support regulators in the design of appropriate regulatory instruments. More precisely, it is not sufficient to examine the substantive content of legal rules. What is required is the analysis of different regulatory instruments and strategies with respect to their regulatory intensity and impact. The present volume brings together research contributions that have been developed extensively over the last few years in order to contribute to the regulatory design of private law.