This volume's eleven contributions, four of which are in English, can be traced back to the lectures given and discussions held at the annual conference of the Society for New Testament Studies in Marburg in 2019. They examine the significance of exegete and theologian Rudolf Bultmann (1884-1976), showing that his work on demythologization, existential interpretation, and theological exegesis remains both a challenge and an essential stimulus for contemporary exegesis.
This volume's eleven contributions, four of which are in English, can be traced back to the lectures given and discussions held at the annual conference of the Society for New Testament Studies in Marburg in 2019. They examine the significance of exegete and theologian Rudolf Bultmann (1884-1976), showing that his work on demythologization, existential interpretation, and theological exegesis remains both a challenge and an essential stimulus for contemporary exegesis.
Table of contents:
Lukas Bormann/Christof Landmesser: Einleitung
I. Entmythologisierung und existentiale Interpretation
Lukas Bormann/Hannah Kreß: Rudolf Bultmann und die internationale neutestamentliche Wissenschaft -
Lukas Bormann: Das Entmythologisierungsprogramm Rudolf Bultmanns im Kontext des Jahres 1941. Heideggers Schweigen und dessen bleibende Resonanzen in der Stimme Bultmanns -
Stephen J. Patterson: Bultmann in America -
Angela Standhartinger: The Legacy of Bultmann's Demythologizing -
David W. Congdon: Kerygma and History: Bultmann's Hermeneutical Theology in North America Today
II. Synoptiker - Paulus - Johannes
Andreas Lindemann:Die Geschichte der synoptischen Tradition und die hermeneutische Theologie Rudolf Bultmanns -
Paul-Gerhard Klumbies: Die Bedeutung der Entmythologisierung für die Exegese der Synoptiker -
Martin Bauspieß: Erzählte Wunder. Rudolf Bultmanns
Geschichte der synoptischen Tradition und die gegenwärtige Interpretation der Wundergeschichten am Beispiel von Mk 2,1-12 -
Thomas Söding: Kerygma ohne Jesus? Bultmanns Paulusbild als Provokation -
Eckart David Schmidt: Bultmanns Pauluslektüre: Grenzen und Anregungen für die gegenwärtige Forschung -
Stephen Hultgren: Event, Word, Faith: (Critically) Engaging Bultmann in Johannine Theology