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Hanne Loland
Silent or Salient Gender?
The Interpretation of Gendered God-Language in the Hebrew Bible, Exemplified in Isaiah 42, 46, and 49
[Ist das Geschlecht von Bedeutung? Die Interpretation geschlechterdifferenzierender Sprechweise von Gott in der hebräischen Bibel, erläutert am Beispiel von Jesaja 42, 46 und 49.]
2008. XIV, 224 pages. Summary
Is gender salient when gendered god-language occurs in a text? Hanne Løland addresses this question both in theoretical discussions on God, gender and language, and in three case studies from Isaiah 40-55. Her volume also makes a contribution to the broader theological and scholarly debate on God and gender. This volume was recognized with the John Templeton Award for Theological Promise in 2008.