Social Groups behind Biblical Traditions

Identity Perspectives from Egypt, Transjordan, Mesopotamia, and Israel in the Second Temple Period
Edited by Benedikt Hensel, Bartosz Adamczewski, and Dany Nocquet
[Soziale Gruppen hinter biblischen Traditionen. Identitätsperspektiven aus Ägypten, Transjordanien, Mesopotamien und Israel aus der Zeit des Zweiten Tempels.]
2023. VIII, 267 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-162351-6
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  • 978-3-16-162351-6
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Is the Hebrew Bible purely a product of Jerusalem or were there various social groups who each played a role in its development during the Second Temple period? This is the guiding question of the present volume, which fills a crucial gap in recent research by combining current redactional and text-historical analysis of the Hebrew Bible with the latest results pertaining to the pluriform social and religious shape of early Judaism.

Forschungen zum Alten Testament (FAT)