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The Book of the Twelve - One Book or Many?

Metz Conference Proceedings 5-7 November 2015
Edited by Elena Di Pede and Donatella Scaiola
[Das Zwölfprophetenbuch - ein Buch oder viele? Tagungsband zur Konferenz in Metz. 5.-7. November 2015.]
2016. VI, 209 pages.
  • sewn paper
  • available
  • 978-3-16-154553-5
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The Book of the Twelve represents a methodological challenge for biblical commentators who apply different methodologies, and commence from distinct hermeneutical presuppositions. Should the Book of the Twelve be read as one Book, an anthology, or something else? This volume offers answers to these questions by a group of international scholars.

Forschungen zum Alten Testament 2. Reihe (FAT II)