Hryhoriy Lozinskyy

The Feasts of the Calendar in the Book of Numbers

Num 28:16-30:1 in the Light of Related Biblical Texts and Some Ancient Sources of 200 BCE-100 CE
[Die Feste des Kalenders im Buch Numeri. Num 28,16-30,1 im Licht verwandter biblischer Texte und einiger antiker Quellen von 200 v. Chr. bis 100 n. Chr.]
2022. XVII, 283 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-160783-7
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  • 978-3-16-160783-7
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In this study, Hryhoriy Lozinskyy deals with five Jewish feasts contained in the calendar of the Book of Numbers. In the only monograph on the feasts in the Book of Numbers so far, the author takes three topics into account: sacrifices, feasts, and calendars.

Forschungen zum Alten Testament 2. Reihe (FAT II)