Justin J. White

The Poetics of Visuality

Ekphrasis, Material Agency, and the Visual Imagination in Biblical Antiquity
[Die Poetik der Visualität. Ekphrasis, materielles Handeln und die visuelle Vorstellungskraft im biblischen Altertum.]
2024. XV, 279 pages.
  • cloth
  • available
  • 978-3-16-163344-7
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Justin J. White proposes to reconceptualize the relationship between image and text in ancient Israel. Characterizing both as mixed forms of media, White argues that texts evoked images as a core component of their rhetoric. He identifies three text-specific axes of visual rhetoric – ekphrasis, visual imagination and material agency – referring to them as the »poetics of visuality.« The poetics of visuality help demonstrate how ancient Israelite images and texts are represented through metaphor, simile and synecdoche and are indicative of the metaphysics endemic to the ancient Near East.

Forschungen zum Alten Testament (FAT)