Ingolf U. Dalferth

Transcendence and the Secular World

Life in Orientation to Ultimate Presence
Translated by Jo Bennett
[Transzendenz und säkulare Welt. Lebensorientierung an letzter Gegenwart. 2., überarbeitete und übersetzte Auflage.]
2nd, revised and translated edition; 2018. XVIII, 284 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-156330-0
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From its beginnings, the Christian faith has contributed to a de-deification of the world by insisting on the distinction between creator (God) and creation (world). A Christian life orientation is not necessarily couched in terms of the religious vs. the secular but overcomes that difference by being oriented towards the ultimate presence of the divine (God). Ingolf U. Dalferth explores the basic distinctions required for this orientation towards the presence of transcendence in human life beyond the alternative of the religious and the secular.