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Transjordan and the Southern Levant

New Approaches Regarding the Iron Age and the Persian Period from Hebrew Bible Studies and Archaeology
Edited by Benedikt Hensel
[Transjordanien und die südliche Levante. Neue Ansätze für die Eisenzeit und die Perserzeit aus Bibelwissenschaft und Archäologie.]
2024. VIII, 347 pages.
  • sewn paper
  • available
  • 978-3-16-163451-2
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The contributors to this volume demonstrate that the Transjordan was not a remote, marginalized region but one which was integrated beyond the Southern Levant into the Mediterranean, Egypt, and Mesopotamia. From a multi-disciplinary perspective, the authors investigate the unresolved questions regarding the history of Transjordan from the Iron I to the Hellenistic period.

Archaeology and Bible (ArchB)