Über Trauer und den richtigen Umgang mit ihr

Lukian, De luctu
Edited by Markus Hafner and Robert Porod
[On Mourning and How to Deal with It. Lucian, De luctu.]
2022. XII, 248 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-161900-7
Sponsored by: Akademie Göttingen
Published in German.
Also Available As:
Lucian's essay "On Mourning” asks how one should deal - in a self-determined way - with the pain of loss at the death of a closely related person. In addition to a new introduction, text and annotated translation, the volume offers six essays, all of which make this piece understandable in the context of its time and beyond.

Scripta Antiquitatis Posterioris ad Ethicam REligionemque pertinentia (SAPERE)