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Mirjam Luber

Unionsbürgerschaft als Kompetenzproblem

Grundlagen und Grenzen von Auslegung und Rechtsfortbildung am Beispiel der Unionsbürgerschaft
[Union Citizenship as a Problem of Competences. Basis and Limitations of Interpretation and Case Law Using the Example of Union Citizenship.]
2023. XXV, 453 pages.
Published in German.
  • sewn paper
  • available
  • 978-3-16-161569-6
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Using the example of Union citizenship, the thesis analyzes the legal limitations to which the European Court of Justice (ECJ) is subject when it delivers its judgments. The limitations are derived from the constitutional law of the European Union. It then links the theoretical framework of the limits of legal reasoning to an analysis of case law in the specific research area of Union citizenship.

Verfassungsentwicklung in Europa (VEEu)