Julian Duventäster

Vorprozessuale Prioritätssicherung

Rechtshängigkeitssperre durch vorprozessuale Streitbeilegungsverfahren im europäischen Zivilprozessrecht
[Pre-action Priority. Lis Pendens through Pre-action Dispute Resolution Procedures in European Civil Procedural Law.]
2023. XXVII, 283 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-162157-4
Published in German.
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  • 978-3-16-162157-4
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The interface of mandatory pre-action procedures such as mediation and conciliation with the European provisions for the coordination of parallel proceedings is unresolved. Julian Duventäster examines whether initiating such procedures establishes a lis pendens under the Brussels Ibis Regulation and the Lugano Convention.

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