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Christian Volkmar Witt
Wohin läuft die Kirchengeschichte?
Mittelalterliche Zeittheorien und geschichtstheoretische Überlegungen zum orientierenden Gespräch mit der Vergangenheit über die Zukunft
[Where Is Church History Heading? Medieval Theories of Time and Historical-Theoretical Considerations for an Orienting Conversation with the Past about the Future.]
2025. VI, 194 pages. Published in German.
Based on current needs for orientation and challenges to church history as a sub-discipline of theology, Christian Volkmar Witt examines the orientational value of the scholarly dialogue with the past. He brings together medieval theories of time, approaches from institutional theory, as well as questions of historical theory and philosophy of history to propose how the distinctive character, concerns, and potential of theologically responsible church history can be described in an interdisciplinary way.