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Cover of: JuristenZeitung

JuristenZeitung (JZ)

Volume 75 (2020) / Heft 22
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pp. 1 (1)


Udo Di Fabio
pp. 1073-1079 (7)
Jan Niklas Bunnenberg
pp. 1088-1097 (10)

Analysis: Short Report

Entscheidungen: Strafrecht

Michael Kubiciel
pp. 1114-1117 (4)

Entscheidungen: Arbeitsrecht

Stefan Treichel
pp. 1121-1124 (4)

JZ Information

pp. 689-690 (2)
pp. 716 (1)
pp. 711-715 (5)
pp. 702-711 (10)
pp. 715-716 (2)