Archiv des Völkerrechts (AVR)

Edited by Sigrid Boysen, Markus Kotzur and Robert Uerpmann-Wittzack in association with Philip Kunig, and Daniel Thürer

ISSN 0003-892X (Print Edition)
ISSN 1868-7121 (Online Edition)

The Archiv des Völkerrechts was founded in 1948. The journal presents analyses, comments, reports and court decisions on international public law.


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Price information

Volume 63 (2025)

  • Institutions  549.00 € * (including IP controlled electronic access for one location (single-site: one site = one city) of a medium-sized institution (up to 40 000 users). If your institution is larger than 40 000 users (FTE) or has several locations, please contact the publisher to receive an offer. Contact:
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Within Germany plus cover  14.60 €
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All other countries plus cover  22.10 €

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Previous volumes at DigiZeitschriften
The contents of volumes 1 (1948-49) to 40 (2002) are available from DigiZeitschriften, which is similar to the JSTOR project, as easily readable, graphic files, searchable via the table of contents. Some of the articles can be downloaded free of charge at Members of institutions can access the online subscription over their intranet. In this case, the administrator will have to activate the network's IP address space at DigiZeitschriften beforehand.

Previous volumes at JSTOR
The contents of volumes 1 (1948-49) up to 51 (2013) are also available from the JSTOR online archives as easily readable, graphic files, as a searchable PDF as well as in the form of abstracts. The issues of the past five years are available as abstracts only with a link to IngentaConnect. Members of institutions who have a subscription to JSTOR are authenticated automatically on the basis of their network addresses. No prior registration is necessary. Archiv des Völkerrechts at