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FinanzArchiv (FA)

European Journal of Public Finance

Dirk Schindler, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Jean-François Tremblay, University of Ottawa, Canada
Alfons J. Weichenrieder, University of Frankfurt am Main, Germany, (managing)

ISSN 0015-2218 (Print Edition)
ISSN 1614-0974 (Online Edition)

As one of the world's oldest professional journals in public finance, founded in 1884, FinanzArchiv (FA) publishes original work from all fields of public economics which are of interest to an international readership, e.g. taxation, public debt, public goods, public choice, federalism, market failure, social policy, and the welfare state. Special emphasis is on high-quality theoretical and empirical papers on current policy issues.


Manuscripts must be in English and must comply with the Download the instructions to authors as a file in PDF format. They should be submitted online via Editorial Express. Submission and verification comprises five easy steps and allow to upload a cover letter as well as the manuscript in PDF format.

If you happen to be unable to use the submission system, you may send a PDF version of the manuscript as an e-mail attachment to one of the editors:

Professor Dirk Schindler
Erasums School of Economics
Room E1-27
Burg. Oudlaan 50
DR Rotterdam 3000, The Netherlands

Professor Jean-Francois Tremblay
University of Ottawa
120 University, 9th Floor
ON K1N 6N5 Ottawa, Canada

Professor Alfons Weichenrieder
Goethe University Frankfurt (RuW 45)
Managing Editor
Theodor-W.-Adorno Platz
60323 Frankfurt am Main, Germany

FinanzArchiv Guidelines for Authors

Submitted manuscripts, which may qualify for publication, are peer reviewed by two referees. To support speedy decisions, the journal invites authors of a submission to include the editor’s letter and the referee reports from a previous submission of this paper at other international journals. While FinanzArchiv reserves the right to use its own referees, in many instances the editors expect to be able to make an expedient decision based on the pre-existing reports and decision letters plus their own reading of the paper. There is no submission fee.

Submission of a paper will be held to imply that it contains original unpublished work and is not being submitted for publication elsewhere. The editors do not accept responsibility for damage or loss of  papers submitted. All articles are refereed by specialists.

Exclusive copyright to articles is granted to Mohr Siebeck when they are accepted for publication in our journals and edited volumes. Mohr Siebeck has the exclusive right to reproduce and distribute the contribution as well as to make it publicly accessible online. As author you retain the right to distribute the e-offprint of your contribution for private use (e.g. via e-mail), but not to make it accessible to the public - e.g. at any website, intranet or repository.

For articles in journals, exclusivity falls away one year following publication, for chapters in edited volumes after two years. Correspondingly, you may then (a) reproduce and distribute a print version of your contribution; (b) grant another publisher non-exclusive permission to reprint an article following its publication with us; (c) make the print identical version accessible online for non-commercial purposes only. In all cases, full reference is to be made to the original Mohr Siebeck publication and, for journal contributions where applicable, mention made of the article's DOI (Digital Object Identifier).

New: Online First
In order to make your contribution visible and readable as soon as possible, from 2015 on after peer review all accepted articles will be published in an Online First version. These articles are searchable and citable by their DOI. Once the article is published in an issue of the journal, the Online First version will be removed.

The exclusive copyright to the article was granted to Mohr Siebeck when it was accepted for publication in a journal or an essay collection. Mohr Siebeck has the exclusive right to reproduce and distribute the contribution as well as to make it publicly accessible online. The author retains the right to distribute the e-offprint of his contribution for private use (e.g. via e-mail), but not to make it accessible to the public (e.g. at any website, intranet or repository).

One year following publication exclusivity falls away and the author may (a) reproduce and distribute a print version of his contribution; (b) grant another publisher non-exclusive permission to reprint the article one year after its publication with us; (c) make the print identical version accessible online for non-commercial purposes only.

In all cases, full reference is to be made to the original Mohr Siebeck publication and mention made of the article's DOI (Digital Object Identifier).

Fiscal Policy in Action
When submitting, Authors of papers with specific and accessible analyses of real world policies,  or of papers that apply theory to specific situations may indicate that they  wish to have their work considered for publication in the "Fiscal Policy in Action" section of FinanzArchiv/Public Finance Analysis. Accepted papers in this section are  published along with other papers, but the publication under this headline  emphasizes a paper's special merit of analyzing or reviewing important recent developments.

Book reviews
FinanzArchiv has no book review section. Please refrain from sending review copies to the editors. Thank you!

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